A visitor – Cairo
A Visitor
Concept & Photography by AYMAN LOTFY
Model Painted by RIHAM SADANY
Our world is full of righteous people who do evil. Why not be of the few
righteous people who do good?
To live freely in this world we must be be careful and able to differentiate between good and evil.
Ayman Lotfy
العالم ملىء بالكثير من الصالحين الذين يفعلون شرًّا،
فلماذا لا نكون من الصالحين
القلائل الذين يفعلون خيرًا؟
ولكى نعيش فى العالم أحرارًا لابد أن نكون حذرين، لأنه ملىء بالخير والشر معًا.
ايمن لطفى
Directed by: Ayman Lotfy
Date: 02/09/2009
Size: 19 items (39 items total)
Developed by
Youssef Yasser