The Security Council, International Court of Justice, and Human Rights Association have collectively decided that in the event of a conflict between two nations, the leaders of the respective countries shall be sent to the Fighting Arena of the conflict. This decision will be implemented effective from tomorrow
Fire Extinguisher
The air is no longer enough for our chests, Because it carries more toxins that spread inside our souls and pollute what remains of the purity of our hearts, Some tried to carry a Fire Extinguisher on their backs to fix what the toxins inside us had destroyed, Hoping for a new chance to live even if it was a deserted land.
“Bergalat” is a word that consists of “berg” which means stretch and “lat” means leg, it was used by our ancient Egyptian ancestors to show optimism to the new born and to motivate him to walk. They sing “stretch your legs” to him, “Halaatak Bergalatk” is my video art that was exhibited at Cairo Salon 59 at the Palace of Arts, Cairo Opera House, November 2020
This video art projected over white water in a real bathtub in the middle of black room .. Palace of Art – Cairo Opera House 2015
The Hidden
The Hidden hides behind a wall, A mask or a piece of cloth. The Hidden hides behind a world of his creation, behind false colors that have nothing to do with human reality. The Hidden believes we cannot read him, but we do, or will, eventually. One day, the hidden will become truly hidden, out of sight, out of our world, out of our reality.
Nothing at all
This Video art is demonstrating the suffering of the man kind in general and young people in specific demanding freedom and democracy,social justice,peace and humanity and despite the fact that those are our basic human rights, yet they do find those in power are following a different stream full of control and obsession where money talks and common interest prevails on the interest of good deeds, where no one cares about souls captured in wars for nothing but world dominance and quest of control.
A Geminate
Performance Video played on the opening of A Geminate Photography
Exhibition by the Egyptian Artist Ayman Lotfy
The Search of Salvation
La Biennale di venezia Egypt Pavilion 2010
A Visitor
Idea Creation,Storyboard & Directed by:Ayman Lotfy Body Painting by: Riham Elsadany Our world is full of righteous people who do evil. Why not be of the few righteous people who do good? To live freely in this world we must be be careful and able to differentiate between good and evil.
The Game
Why not Exhibition 2009
If wars aren’t intended to defend one’s land or family, why then should they be? Where do democracy and freedom belong in a world where one person can control the lives of millions to achieve personal benefit,or collect large sums of money and wealth throughout the years? Did you ever imagine yourself one day if you were forced to join the first row of an army battle only to defend or attack some personal reasons that don’t by any means relate to yourself? One should always remember that war victims have life, families, children and as well as dreams. Here, we are not concerned with martyrs of the land and families, but we are rather concerned with the professionals of THE GAME.